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Get Exam Vouchers for Study Abroad @ Best Price

One-stop solution for your language proficiency and competitive exam bookings. We are proud to be Official partners of Examination Organizations such as ETS, Pearson & Duolingo for Exam Vouchers and Preparation.

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Our Achievements

show that we are reliable, trustworthy and genuine.

Awarded as TOEFL® PowerHouse Punjab 2024
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Recognized under Startup India initiative by DPIIT
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Certificate of Registration for Quality Management Systems
Punjab Government Logo
Registed with Punjab Travel Professions Regulation Act


SALE! Duolingo Exam Voucher

Duolingo Exam Voucher

The Voucher Code will be shared with you over Whatsapp for Self-Booking

₹4,599 ₹6,200
SALE! TOEFL Exam Booking

TOEFL Exam Booking

Our representative will book your Exam. No Voucher Code will be shared

₹12,499 ₹16,900
SALE! PTE Academic Booking

PTE Academic Booking

Our representative will book your Exam. No Voucher Code will be shared

₹15,299 ₹18,000
SALE! GRE Exam Booking

GRE Exam Booking

Our representative will book your Exam. No Voucher Code will be shared

₹18,999 ₹22,550

We're Official Partners

We partnered with major examination organizations to provide you Seamless Service

Pearson India



Success Stories -
Turning Study Abroad Dreams into Reality

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How to Book

We partnered with major examination organizations to provide you Seamless Service

🤝 Official Partners

💪 Supported by Startup India

⭐ Rated 4.9 for Best


What's the
difference between
Exam Voucher and Booking

The Exam Voucher and Booking are the same, with a slight difference. After payment, the voucher code is sent to the test-taker on the registered email and WhatsApp number for Self-Booking. However, in the case of Exam Booking, our representative will connect with the test-taker and book the exam on their behalf. Both of the methods are fully secured and password-less.

FAQs on Exam Vouchers

Questions usually asked by Students

Yes, these voucher codes are valid for 8-11 months from date of issue. However, it is highly advised to use the Voucher Code immediately after purchase.
Yes, you can call or Whatsapp us at +91 70090-34921, our representative will help with Exam Booking or purchased related queries.
No, the voucher codes are unique and can be used only once.
We accept payments via UPI, Credit Card, Debit Card, Net-Banking and card-based EMI. Where payment methods other than UPI attract platform fees of up to 3% extra and UPI is FREE. However, if you like to pay through any other mode, please get in touch with us.
The Exam Vouchers such as TOEFL, GRE, and PTE can be used in India. However, Duolingo Voucher can be used worldwide without any restriction.
Abroad Cube partners with official organizations such as ETS, Pearson and Duolingo to provide genuine and verified exam vouchers.
We offer vouchers for popular exams like TOEFL, GRE, PTE, and Duolingo, with discounts and easy purchase options.
We purchase vouchers from genuine sources in bulk at discounted rates and sell to customers one-by-one.


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