Feed / Canada / Q303

Best Canadian SIM Card for Filipinos

What's the best Canadian SIM Card available in Philippines which have option of Free Home Delivery ?

1 Answers Reply
  • Harish Reddy
  • 1 month ago

In the Philippines, several services offer Canadian SIM cards with options for home delivery, especially for travelers or residents needing Canadian mobile services. While specific SIM cards may vary in pricing and features, here are some of the most reliable options for Canadian SIM cards that may offer home delivery services:

1. Rogers: Rogers offers a wide range of international SIM options and may also have home delivery options for those residing outside Canada. You could inquire with them directly for more details. 

2. Fido: Another major Canadian provider that may offer SIM cards with home delivery to the Philippines. Fido is known for offering competitive rates on data and roaming services.

For the most accurate information on availability and free home delivery, it's best to visit the our website for Canadian SIM Card

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