Feed / Canada / Q3

How much GIC is required for a Canada Student Visa ?

How much GIC is required for a Canada Student Visa ?

1 Answers Reply
  • Fatima Khan
  • 1 year ago

Students applying for a study visa for Canada require a GIC Certificate, i.e., a Guaranteed Investment Certificate of CA$10,000, a minimum amount set by IRCC for all International students. This guideline is compulsory to follow for all the banks of Canada. All Canadian Banks give CA$2000 on activating the account on arrival in Canada and the remaining CA$8000 in twelve monthly installments, except for BMO, which releases bi-monthly installments. The installment is released in advance of each month, so you don’t have to worry about expenses.

If you open your GIC account in RBC Bank through Abroad Cube, you will get up to CA$457 extra as interest and get your GIC Certificate within 1 day. I loved their service.

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