Feed / Germany / Q27

How much is a Germany Blocked Account ?

How much is a Germany Blocked Account ?

1 Answers Reply
  • Harpreet Singh
  • 1 year ago

German authorities brought a few changes to open a blocked account for international students. Now, an international student has to pay €11208 plus the program fee charged by the bank and the buffer amount. Students receive a buffer amount along with their first installment and get €934 monthly from the bank to cover their living expenses. Every bank charges different program fees and buffer amounts, such as Coracle bank costs €99 as program fees, and its buffer amount is €0. Similarly, ICICI bank also charges €100 as a buffer amount, but it charges €150 as a program fee. In contrast, Expatrio charges €49 as a program fee and €100 as a buffer amount. The Fintiba and Remitx banks charge the same program fee and buffer amount; the program fee is €89, and the buffer amount is €100. To open your Blocked account quickly, reach to Abroad Cube and get your blocked account open on the same day at Zero additional charges.

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