Feed / Germany / Q45

How to close blocked account in Germany ?

How to close blocked account in Germany ?

1 Answers Reply
  • Ishu Rani
  • 1 year ago

You can close your blocked Account if your visa is refused. You must submit a rejection letter from the German Embassy to the company you selected earlier to open your blocked Account. The company will accept your rejection letter and will impose refund fees. For example, if you had selected Expatrio, you must pay €109 as a refund fee and initiate your refund in four weeks. But if you have chosen Fintiba/Remitx, you must pay €89 and release a refund within one to four weeks, whereas if you pick up ICICI, you must pay €25-€150. However, Coracle doesn't charge any fee and initiates your refund between three to four weeks.

* If you decide to withdraw your visa application, email the German Embassy to request 'Sperrfreigabe' to return your funds. (a Sperrfreigabe is a document from a German embassy or foreign office stating that we can close your Blocked Account) request letter for Sperrfreigabe. Once the German Embassy approves your refund application, you can appeal for a refund on that company's official website by uploading a scanned copy of the Sperrfreigabe and other documents to initiate your refund.

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