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How to open Germany blocked account in India ?

How to open Germany blocked account in India ?

1 Answers Reply
  • Mehak Arora
  • 1 year ago

Opening a blocked account from India is an easy process. A student generally has five options for choosing a bank to open an account for after selecting a specific bank and completing the online application. 

  1. Coracle - Apply Now
  2. Expatrio - Apply Now
  3. Fintiba - Apply Now
  4. Remitx - Apply Now
  5. ICICI - Apply Now

Now, upload the valid scanned copy of documents such as your passport & University admission letter. You need to submit your documents online on the company's official website. Once you submit the documents, the whole process of verifying the documents will be done automatically, and you will be asked to follow the next steps.

After document verification, you must deposit the amount of €11208 to the bank to get your 06 Confirmation Certificate. Depending on every bank's criteria, the process might take two hours to two days. The amount you deposit to the bank can be INR/ €, and both currencies are acceptable to the bank. Banks often cost high if you pay an amount in INR. You must also transfer the program fee €49 to €150, a monthly fee €0 to €5 and €0 to €100 as a buffer amount depending on the bank you choose; the bank will add a buffer amount to the €11208 amount, and this €100 will be credited to you along with the first installment as there are twelve(12) installments in total. Each month you get one installment from the bank.

If you have any questions/concerns, you can reach out to Abroad Cube and apply for your Blocked account at no additional charges.

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