Feed / Germany / Q67

What are the facilities that are provided by TK for the health insurance to International students ?

What are the facilities that are provided by TK for the health insurance to International students ?

  • Health Insurance
1 Answers Reply
  • Anjali Murthy
  • 1 year ago

TK is one of the health insurance providers to international students in Germany. TK offers several facilities to its applicants, a few of them are as follows; 

  • Best English support: TK provides the best English support to its international applicants. But companies like DAK, AOK, and BARMER do not offer this service.
  • Travel vaccinations: TK provides 11 out of 11 travel vaccinations, whereas AOK offers 6 out of 11 travel vaccinations. 
  • The midwife on call: TK charges €200 per year for a midwife on-call service. In contrast, DAK charges €500 per year for the same.

Having a Health Insurance is mandatory to apply for Germany Study Visa application. Apply for TK Public Health Insurance today. 

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