SAT Exam - Exam Pattern

The SAT exam pattern involves two sections divided into two more parts. It is divided into English and Mathematics sections, where English is distributed into Reading and Writing, and Mathematics is split into two modules. The total time allocated for the exam is 2 hours and 14 minutes, where the student has to answer 98 questions. Let’s have a brief overview of the SAT exam pattern:


Module Format
Reading The reading section enhances the reading ability of the student in less time. A student will be given several short passages with a word limit of 25-150. Every passage or two combined passages will have one single question. The applicant has to solve 25 multiple-choice questions and two pretest questions in 32 minutes.
Writing The writing section tests the ability of the candidate for grammatical usage. This section also has several short passages and questions based on these passages. The test-taker will be given 32 minutes to answer 25 multiple-choice and two pretest questions.


In the Digital SAT, the mathematical section is divided into two sections, and a calculator is made available through the questions. So, you can resolve each using calculator. The module-1 will have 20 questions with different difficulty levels, such as Easy, Medium, and Hard. Based on your correct answers in Module-1, the difficulty level of Module-2 questions will be adapted. That's why it is also known Adaptive test.

Module Format
Module-1 35 minutes to resolve 20 Questions & 2 pretest questions
Module-2 35 minutes to resolve 20 Questions & 2 pretest questions
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