Duolingo English Test
Official Partner

Duolingo Exam - Exam Pattern

The Duolingo English Test has a different exam pattern than IELTS, TOEFL and PTE, as there is no partition of questions based on Reading, Listening, Speaking and Listening documents. Duolingo exam questions are interactive and test your considerable skills in a single question. The exam will be conducted in Online mode only. Hence you can attempt it from anywhere.


Here is a detailed overview of what you should expect in the Duolingo English Test (DET) of 1 hour.

  1. Quick Setup (5 mins) - You will be given time to read the instructions carefully, verify your Live photo, and submit a copy of your passport through the webcam. Meanwhile, you can also test your webcam, speaker, and microphone. You must ensure nobody is in the room during the exam.
  2. Adaptive test(45 mins)
  3. Writing & Speaking sample (10 mins)
    • Writing Sample (3-5 mins) - After reading the topic on the screen for 30 seconds, you must prepare your response. Once prepared, you have 5 minutes to write about the topic. There is no word limit. The questions will remain visible once you start the task.
    • Speaking Sample (1-3 mins) - You have 30 seconds to read the given topic on the screen and prepare the answer. Once ready, you must talk about the subject for a minimum of 1 min and a maximum of 3 minutes. Once you begin the task, the questions will still be visible

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Adaptive Test (45 mins)

Here are the adaptive test question types of the Duolingo English Test.

  1. Read & Complete
    Time Limit: 3 mins
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  2. Read & Select
    Time Limit: 1 min
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  3. Listen & Select
    Time Limit: 1.5 mins
    Subscores: Comprehension, Conversation
  4. Listen & Type
    Time Limit: 1 min
    Subscores: Comprehension, Conversation
  5. Read Aloud
    Time Limit: 20 secs
    Subscores: Comprehension, Conversation
  6. Complete the Sentences
    Time Limit: 8 minutes for all 6 Interactive Reading questions
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  7. Complete the Passage
    Time Limit: 8 minutes for all 6 Interactive Reading questions
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  8. Highlight the Answer
    Time Limit: 8 minutes for all 6 Interactive Reading questions
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  9. Identify the Idea
    Time Limit: 8 minutes for all 6 Interactive Reading questions
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  10. Title the Passage
    Time Limit: 8 minutes for all 6 Interactive Reading questions
    Subscores: Literacy, Comprehension
  11. Write about the Photo
    Time Limit: 1 min
    Subscores: Production, Literacy
  12. Read, Then Write
    Time Limit: 5 mins
    Subscores: Production, Literacy
  13. Speak about the Photo
    Time Limit: 1.5 mins
    Subscores: Production, Conversation
  14. Read, Then Speak
    Time Limit: 1.5 mins
    Subscores: Conversation, Production
  15. Listen, Then Speak
    Time Limit: 1.5 mins
    Subscores: Conversation, Production

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Writing Sample (5 mins)

Total Questions: 1
Time Limit: 5 mins
SubScores: Production, Literacy
Question Tips
  • Use all your time and proofread carefully
  • Practice good Writing Habits
  • Think about the topic as an eassy

Speaking Sample (3 mins)

Total Questions: 1
Time Limit: 3 mins
Question Tips
  • Don't get distracted by the timer. Some student panic by looking over their spare time.
  • The speaking sample is sent as a video recording so that the expert can see your response and the topic.
  • Think about the topic as an eassy

Rules of Duolingo English Test (DET)

There are some rules and regulations for the Duolingo English Test, and you must adhere to them to avoid any violations. Suppose you break any of the rules of the Duolingo English Test. In that case, Duolingo reserves the right not to certify your test results or to invalidate any previously certified results without providing a refund. In most cases of minor violations, they allow a retry without any additional charge. Depending on the extent of the violation, you may also be permanently banned from taking the Duolingo English Test again.

Rules for your Camera
  1. Make sure your face is well lit.
  2. Stay within the camera frame.
  3. Do not wear headphones or earbuds.
  4. Keep your ears, eyes, and mouth visible and uncovered.
Rules for your Computer
  1. Do not use a virtual machine.
  2. Use only one keyboard and one mouse. You may use an external keyboard and/or mouse, but you may not switch between multiple keyboards and/or mice.
  3. Disconnect secondary monitors.
  4. Do not move your mouse cursor out of the test window.
  5. Do not exit full-screen mode.
  6. Quit all external programs. Check your Windows Task Manager or Mac Activity Monitor to ensure no programs are running in the background. Consider temporarily uninstalling programs that may interrupt your test. This includes:
    • Communication software (examples: WhatsApp, WeChat, Zoom, Skype)
    • Programs that enable remote access or screen sharing (examples: TeamViewer, AnyDesk)
    • Spelling/grammar checkers (examples: Grammarly, built-in system spell checkers)
    • Input methods with word-association (examples: Sougou, Youdao).
Rules for test questions
  1. Keep your eyes on the screen. You may look down at your keyboard to type answers during writing questions.
  2. Do not copy or memorize answers from other sources. Your answer should relate to the question and be in your own words.
  3. Do not take notes.
  4. Do not allow anyone to assist you on the test.
  5. Do not speak until instructed to speak.
  6. Do not save or record test questions.
Rules for your test environment
  1. Remove all writing materials, paper, and books from your test area.
  2. Place electronic devices such as phones, tablets, and smart watches in another room. Consider setting them to airplane mode so they do not connect to your computer.
  3. Do not interact with anyone.
  4. Do not let other people in the room with you.
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