CELPIP Score Calculator

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The CELPIP stands for Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. Paragon Testing Enterprises conduct the CELPIP across the world and are based in Canada. The CELPIP is the only English language exam acceptable for Language proficiency for CRS other than IELTS. Hence quite famous among candidates looking for Permanent Residency in Canada.

The CELPIP Level is ranged between M and 12, where M be the lowest and 10-12 is the highest. A score between 10-12 is equivalent to 9 bands in IELTS. It has four modules, and each module has the same level range. The minimum level in all four modules is your final CELPIP Level or Score.

Modules Score Range
Reading 3-12
Writing 3-12
Listening 3-12
Speaking 3-12

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CELPIP Listening Score

The CELPIP Listening task has 38 scored questions, and there may be one hidden unscored part. Each question has a different level of difficulty and marks. So, attempting difficult questions gives you more marks than easier questions. The computer calculates your CELPIP Level based on the number of points and the difficulty level of the questions. Sometimes, CELPIP awards different levels for the same number of corrected answers because of the difference in the difficulty level of questions.

CELPIP Level Listening Score
10-12 35-38
9 33-35
8 30-33
7 27-31
6 22-28
5 17-23
4 11-18
3 7-12
M 0-7

CELPIP Reading Score

There may be one secret unscored question along with the 38 scored questions on the CELPIP Reading task. There is no negative marking. Hence you are recommended to attempt all questions. The marks and degree of difficulty vary for each question. Therefore, answering challenging questions earns you more points than answering simpler ones. The computer uses the number of points and level of difficulty of the questions to determine your CELPIP Level. Because the difficulty of the questions varies, CELPIP sometimes assigns multiple levels for the same amount of right answers.

CELPIP Level Reading Score
10-12 33-38
9 31-33
8 28-31
7 24-28
6 19-25
5 15-20
4 10-16
3 8-11
M 0-7

CELPIP Writing Score

The CELPIP writing tasks are examined by at least 4 independent raters of Paragon Testing before the final scoring. Raters evaluate the 4 dimensions: Content/Coherence, Vocabulary, Readability, and Task Fulfillment and score each dimension out of 5 performance levels with performance descriptors. Raters score each dimension by identifying tangible evidence in the test taker's task that matches the descriptions in the rating scale.

Once the rating got done, they are inspected for final scoring. If the ratings disagree, a benchmark rater is automatically assigned to re-examine the task. The benchmark rater is an experienced rater with consistent accuracy and reliability in rating. Benchmark raters do not know the initial ratings. The dimension ratings were then converted to CELPIP based on various transformation rules set by English Language experts.

Categories Factors
Number of Ideas
Quality of Ideas
Organization of Ideas
Examples & Supporting Details
Word Choice
Suitable use of words & phrases
Range of words & phrases
Precision & Accuracy
Format & Paragraphing
Connectors & Transitions
Grammar & Sentence Structure
Spelling & Punctuation
Task Fulfillment
Relevance, Completeness, Tone, Word Count

CELPIP Speaking Score

Before the final score, three independent Paragon Testing raters review the CELPIP speaking assignments. Each of the four dimensions—Content/Coherence, Vocabulary, Listenability, and Task Fulfillment—is evaluated by raters, who provide a score for each based on five performance levels and performance descriptions. The raters score each dimension by looking for concrete evidence in the test taker's task that corresponds to the descriptions in the rating scale.

They are examined for the final score after the rating is complete. A benchmark rater is automatically appointed to reevaluate the task if the ratings differ. The benchmark rater is a skilled rater who consistently assigns ratings with precision and dependability. The initial ratings are unknown to benchmark raters. Based on numerous transformation criteria established by experts in the English language, the dimension ratings were then translated to CELPIP.

Categories Factors
Number of Ideas
Quality of Ideas
Organization of Ideas
Examples & Supporting Details
Word Choice
Suitable use of words & phrases
Range of words & phrases
Precision & Accuracy
Rhythm, Pronunciation & Intonation
Pauses, Interjections & Self Correction
Grammar & Sentence Structure
Variety of sentence Structure
Task Fulfillment
Relevance, Completeness, Tone, Length

Exam Guides

The minimum level in any of the 4 modules of CELPIP is your final CELPIP score. For example, if a test taker has a level of 6, 7, 7, and 8 in four CELPIP modules, then 6 will be the final CELPIP level.

3 or 4 raters manually evaluate the CELPIP writing and speaking module before the final assessment. If there is a disagreement between the rater's scores, the benchmark rater will automatically re-examine the test for more accuracy. The benchmark rater is an experienced rater with consistent accuracy and reliability in rating. Benchmark raters do not know the initial ratings.

Each question is assigned a difficulty level. The harder questions will award you more points. Even if the overall number of correct answers is the same, you can be given a higher level if you properly answered more challenging questions than another test-taker.
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