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GRE Exam - Syllabus

The GRE does not have any fixed or permanent syllabus. Still, several study materials are available on ETS to prepare for this exam. Those study materials also help candidates become chronic with questions that will appear in the exam.GRE general test measures your analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning.

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Analytical Writing

There are two tasks in this type of section: Analyze an issue and Analyze an argument. Candidates must write an essay on both and show their skill using various sentence structures and ideas with full complexity. Moreover, students need to support one argument in this section and share their thoughts to get the highest score in this exam. You have only 30 minutes for a single task; two tasks are in this section.

Verbal Reasoning

In verbal reasoning, the regulatory body of the GRE wants to check the writing and reading of the material given to you. Not only this, but it also analyzes the part of your sentence that you used in the exam, as there are various questions on reading comprehension and text completion. Only 60 minutes will give you to complete two sections, with 20 questions in each section.

Quantitative Reasoning

This type of section measures basic mathematical skills and elementary mathematical concepts. It also measures the ability to reason quantitatively and model and solve problems using quantitative methods. Some questions are posted in the exam on a real-life basis, while others are posted in mathematics. The section includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis questions. In quantitative reasoning, there are 20 questions in each section, and candidates should give the answers to 40 questions in one hour and 10 minutes.

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