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GRE Exam - Exam Pattern

There are six sections in GRE, and you should complete this exam within 3 hours and 45 minutes, including a break. No extra time will be given, even if you skip the break. If you get a break during the exam, time will automatically be deducted from your exam, and you will not be allowed to take extra time. It is a computer-based test designed to make the students more comfortable as you can skip the question, go back to the previous question, and change the answer within seconds.

Name Tasks Questions Duration
Analytical Writing One section with two tasks One “Analyze an issue” and one “Analyze an argument” 30 minutes per Task
Verbal Reasoning Two Sections 20 questions per section 30 minutes per section
Quantitative Reasoning Two sections 20 questions per section 35 minutes per section
Unscored and Research Section Varies Varies Varies

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