United States of America
The TOEFL Exam Voucher is a unique 16-digit number giving a 100% discount on TOEFL Exam Fees. It is similar to a promo code, which helps you save money on Exam Fees. The Exam Voucher is the same for the TOEFL iBT Test-Centre and Home Edition.
In the case of TOEFL Exam Booking, instead of giving you a Promo Code, we directly booked your Exam based on your preferred test centre, date and time. We have both options available, TOEFL iBT Test-Center and TOEFL iBT Home-Edition.
The regular price of TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Home Edition is Rs 16,900, including GST. The TOEFL Voucher is available with up to 30% discount at ₹12,999. It would be applicable for both iBT and Home Edition. You do not need to pay any additional charges when you use the TOEFL voucher on the ETS India website.
Exam Type | Official Price | Our Price |
TOEFL iBT (Test-Center) | ₹16,900 | ₹12,999 |
TOEFL iBT (Home-Edition) | ₹16,900 | ₹12,999 |
When you book the TOEFL Exam through ETS India, you are expected to pay the total exam price of Rs 16,900. But with the help of the TOEFL Exam Voucher, you can book your Exam at only ₹12,999 without additional charges. So, using the Exam Voucher instead of paying on the ETS India website will help you save up to 30%.
To purchase the TOEFL Exam Voucher Online, please follow the below-mentioned steps
If you have any queries about purchasing a Voucher, you can contact our Support Team via Call, WhatsApp, or Email.
To use your TOEFL Exam Voucher for booking the TOEFL Exam, please follow the below-mentioned steps
Abroad Cube is an Official partner of ETS TOEFL® and has been awarded TOEFL® PowerHouse Punjab 2024 for achieving the highest registrations for the year 2023-2024. We are on a mission to achieve the same award for 2024-2025.
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