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PTE Exam - Results & Score

The Person releases the PTE scores within 2 hours of attempting the PTE exam. It is valid for 2 years from the date of attempting the exam. The PTE overall score ranges between 10 and 90, and a score will be given to the students as per their performance out of 90 scores.

Overview of PTE Scorecard

A PTE test certificate includes the following information:

  • Candidate Name: The name of the Candidate is mentioned on the score sheet of the Test taker's name.
  • Date of Test: The certificate includes the date on which Test was taken.
  • Test Score: The certification consists of the test taker's overall score on the official website of Pearson.
  • Test Subscore: On the top of the sheet, the Overall score of Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening is mentioned.
  • Valid period: The PTE result is valid for up to 2 years, and candidates have to retake the exam after the expiry as the previous one is not converted into a new one.
  • Overall score: The overall score is reported between 10 and 90 as a person with 58 scores is a good English speaker
  • Performance: PTE gives you the score based on your performance as the Software of PTE notes each and everything of the Candidate, including fluency, grammatical error, verbs, and punctuation

PTE Test provides a detailed report of the test-taker's performance, including Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening. PTE releases the result of the Candidate within two working days, and you can access your result by logging your Id on the official website of Pearson

Check PTE Score Sample

How does PTE software analyze your score?

PTE uses an automated scoring system which means a better test for applicants as PTE pioneered machine scoring in English tests.

Automated scoring is designed to match the way an expert examiner would mark your test. To achieve this, they ask examiners to score thousands of sample questions and feed these results into their algorithm. Creating an accurate automated scoring system took vast data in 2020 alone.

So, when you take your test, your answers are not just reviewed by one examiner; they are compared against millions of past responses and the combined knowledge of hundreds of examiners to give you the most accurate, objective, consistent score possible.

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89-90 8.5 - 9.0
84-88 8
76-83 7.5
66-75 7
56-65 6.5
46-55 6
36-45 5.5
29-35 5
23-28 4.5

PTE Score Comparison

PTE Score Comment
85-90 It is the highest level of English Ability we measure. At this level of English, you are comfortably Engaging in Academic and work activities at all levels.
76-84 It is a very high level of English proficiency. This level of English is optional for undergraduate courses.
59-75 Typically this level is required for study in academic courses and may be set for undergraduates or postgraduate's entry requirements.
43-58 This score may be required for undergraduates' study level as students mainly apply with this score for higher study in Australia, the UK, Canada, and New Zealand.
10-42 This score is generally too low to engage in academic courses but may be set for fundamental classes.

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