ACT Exam - Registration

The ACT is a US-based exam. Hence International Students are expected to complete the exam registration online and pay the fees.

How to book the ACT Exam ?

To register for the ACT exam, follow the given procedure:

  1. Visit the official website of the ACT exam, i.e., .
  2. Click on Register for the ACT, written in the blue box.
  3. A dialogue box will appear, seeking your permission for a new page to open. Click on "OK".
  4. You will see boxes with different options, one for "sign in" and another for "Create MyACT account." Click on "Create MyACT account."
  5. Again you will get two options (a) "I registered or tested before" and (b) I'm new. Let's get started. (If you're new, go with the 2nd option; if you're attempting the test again or already registered, go with the first option).

Going with the second option, i.e., I'm new, let's get started.

  1. Fill in all your details like first and last name, email address, street address, city, state, postal code, etc.
  2. Create a password for your registration account and accept the term & conditions.
  3. Verify your account either by text or email. Enter the six-digit code you get by text and click "Complete my account."
  4. Now, your registration has been completed.
  5. After completing your registration, you can sign in by entering your email address and password that you created while registering. 
  6. After signing in, select your country, high school, and the year you passed high school. Click on "next".
  7.  A new page will appear, click on "register for the ACT exam" and then click " begin registration. Enter all the required details and select your test center and date.
  8. Pay the fees using International Card, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or Amex.

Documents Required for booking the ACT Exam

The ACT exam doesn’t need too much documentation. A student needs the following documents while registering for the ACT exam:

  1. Photograph: The student must upload a clear and recent photograph. Students shouldn’t upload their old photographs because photo verification occurs on exam day.
  2. Passport: Students need to upload a scanned copy of the first and last page of the passport as it is a government-issued document.

Documents to carry on ACT Exam Day

On the test day, verification of identity takes place. So, to avoid the last-minute hassle, take a look and read the documents you must carry along with you to the test center:

  1. Photograph: A student must carry a photograph to the exam center for verification. 
  2. Passport: Carrying a passport for proof of identity is mandatory.
  3. Admit Card: The student must carry the admission ticket or admit card to the exam center.

Please note that all your passport and admit card details must match. Otherwise, a single mistake can create trouble for you. 

ReScheduling ACT Exam

Last-moment problems or some emergencies can force you to reschedule your exam. Rescheduling your ACT exam is a smooth process. To reschedule your ACT exam, follow the simple process:

  1. Visit the official website of
  2. Now, sign in to your MyACT account.
  3. After opening your account, click “Make Changes to your Registration.”
  4. Now, you can select a new date for your exam at the same exam center. You can change your exam center also if needed.
  5. Save the changes and pay the rescheduling fee of US$42.00
  6. You can pay the fee using International Card, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex
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